A-plus Welding & Engineering Inc.

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The Harry Parker Community Boathouse on the Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts has won several awards for its innovative and sustainable design, including: 2014 Institute Honor Award For Architecture By Aia 2010 Citation, R+D Awards 2009 Honor Award For Design Excellence, Boston Society Of Architects 2009 Harleston Parker Award, Boston Society Of Architects 2008 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2008 Progressive Architecture Award, Architect Magazine:

We are happy to have been apart of this project.

The Harry Parker Community Boathouse on the Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts has won several awards for its innovative and sustainable design, including: 2014 Institute Honor Award For Architecture By Aia 2010 Citation, R+D Awards 2009 Honor Award For Design Excellence, Boston Society Of Architects 2009 Harleston Parker Award, Boston Society Of Architects 2008 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2008 Progressive Architecture Award, Architect Magazine: